
FreeBSD bhyve

bhyve, pronounced “beehive” is a hypervisor/virtual machine manager for FreeBSD that supports most Intel and AMD processors that report the “POPCNT” (POPulation Count) processor feature in dmesg(8). Download ISO and boot it … in a new Virtual Machine … cat << 'EOF' > #!/usr/bin/env bash iso=FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso vm=guest.img # Load Module if needed kldstat |grep vmm.ko || kldload vmm ifconfig tap0 create sysctl ifconfig ifconfig bridge0 create ifconfig bridge0 addm vmx0 addm tap0 ifconfig bridge0 create ifconfig bridge0 up # Get ISO test -f $iso || fetch https://download.

OpenBSD Compile Custom Kernel

Let’s Compile a Custom Kernel for OpenBSD … and let’s check if we can tune the Process it with multiple Processors. get Sources and prepare Custom Kernel cd /usr/src ftp$(uname -r)/sys.tar.gz tar xfz sys.tar.gz rm xfz sys.tar.gz cd /sys/arch/$(uname -m)/conf cp GENERIC.MP CUSTOM.MP config CUSTOM.MP cd ../compile/CUSTOM.MP -> with config CUSTOM.MP, you can enable disable Components which will be built into your Custom Kernel. Wlan Drives for a VirtualServer, as example, does not make sense.

FreeBSD - Upgrade 13.0 to 13.1

Upgrade FreeBSD 13.0 to 13.1 should be a easy task, right ? Patch it first freebsd-update fetch freebsd-update install reboot may not needed, but you have to boot anyway a few times … Fetch and Upgrade to 13.1 this needs some time ! depending on your internet speed, and specially to power and filesystem performance of your machine. 20-30min for a common VM is not unreal :( time freebsd-update upgrade -r 13.

Bootstrap Debian

Bootstrapping Debian a little helper how to generate a Debian Template. This time, it’s a VM Hosted on Vultr New VM 1 CPU, 1GB RAM, 25GB Disk upload debian-10.9.0-amd64-netinst.iso boot from iso install: (text based) lang: english country: switzerland locale: US (en_US.UTF-8) keymap: Swiss German nic: ens3 hostname: template-25G domain: passwd: xxxxxxxx user: firstname lastname / loginame passwd: xxxxxxxx disk: Guided - entire disk with LVM - (one partition | separate /home | separate /home, /var and /tmp) separate partition for large disks one partition for smaller disks write: yes disk: 20GB (for guided partitioning), 5GB for Spare write: yes another dvd: no mirror: switzerland, debian.

Bootstrap OpenBSD with Jail Partition

Bootstrapping VM This is similar to the previous Post, but with a small difference. Here, we add an other Partition /jail with 2GB Size. On this Partition, we remove the nodev & nosuid Flag, so we can use this Partition as Root for some Jailed Users. And last but not least, we fireup a new VM, configure a Jailed User and make it Public Available … VM with 20G Disk *** Bootstrap OpenBSD 6.

Bootstrap OpenBSD

Bootstrapping VM It’s always good to have Templates. Isn’t it ? Sometime, with a lot of stuff preconfigured and installed. Sometimes, a fresh install without anything (except syspatches). Here a little Helper, how to Build a OpenBSD Template with 20GB, resp. 40GB Disk Size. This stuff was tested on, so you should be able to reproduce it in a few minutes. Costs: CX11, 1 CPU, 2 GB RAM, 20 GB Disk, 20TB Traffic -> 2.