
OpenBSD - PHP 8.2

Running PHP on OpenBSD

yes, i know … it’s not rocket science .. but why not make a short post so other (or myself) can have a quick look if needed ?

pkg_info -Q php
pkg_add php--%8.2
pkg_add php-sqlite3--%8.2
pkg_add php-curl--%8.2

Set TimeZone

and allow short open tags

sed -i s'#date.timezone = UTC.*#date.timezone = Europe/Zurich#'  /etc/php-8.2.ini
sed -i s'#short_open_tag = Off.*#short_open_tag = On#'  /etc/php-8.2.ini

Install all Modules

if needed .. does not make sense for me :(

OpenBSD 7.3

OpenBSD 7.3 finally released.

Today, the 54th Release of OpenBSD was announced. The Upgrade Script is available here …

one cool thing to mention:

  • Added initial support in the installer for guided disk encryption for amd64, i386, riscv64 and sparc64.


as root

cd /root
ftp https://blog.stoege.net/scripts/.helpers
ftp https://blog.stoege.net/scripts/upgrade_to_73.sh
chmod u+x upgrade_to_73.sh



Any Comments ?

sha256: 000c2b0afa4739a87a7e921ec1fcfa4fb9113effd47e2f2456dfb2b66f65a34f

OpenBSD 7.3 - Diskusage

New Proposal for 7.3

there is an request for at least 1.1GB free Storage at the /usr Partition when upgrading your systeme with sysupgrade. so, i have to adapt my settings a bit for new vm’s with at least 25GB Storage.

Example with 20GB

a 4G  /
a 1G  swap
a 1G  /tmp
a 4G  /var
a 6G  /usr
a *   /home (ca. 4 GB)

Example with 25GB (Vultr)

a 4G  /
a 2G  swap
a 2G  /tmp
a 6G  /var
a 6G  /usr
a *   /home (ca. 5 GB)

which results in:

root@puffy# df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0a      3.9G   55.8M    3.6G     2%    /
/dev/sd0g      4.8G    2.0K    4.6G     1%    /home
/dev/sd0d      1.9G   10.0K    1.8G     1%    /tmp
/dev/sd0f      5.8G    1.4G    4.1G    26%    /usr
/dev/sd0e      5.8G    7.7M    5.5G     1%    /var

Example with 32GB

a 4G  /
a 1G  swap
a 2G  /tmp
a 8G  /var
a 8G  /usr
a *   /home (ca. 9 GB)

which results in:

root@puffy# df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0a      3.9G    876M    2.8G    24%    /
/dev/sd0g      8.7G    119M    8.1G     2%    /home
/dev/sd0d      1.9G    108K    1.8G     1%    /tmp
/dev/sd0f      7.8G    2.6G    4.8G    35%    /usr
/dev/sd0e      7.8G   19.6M    7.3G     1%    /var

Example with 40GB (Hetzner)

a 4G  /
a 2G  swap
a 2G  /tmp
a 16G /var
a 8G  /usr
a 8G  /home (ca. 8 GB)

which results in:

root@puffy# df -h

Example with 80GB (Hetzner)

a 4G  /
a 4G  swap
a 4G  /tmp
a 16G /var
a 16G /usr
a 16G /home
a *   /data (ca. 16 GB)

which results in:

root@template74 # df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0a      3.9G    220M    3.5G     6%    /
/dev/sd0h     15.5G    2.0K   14.7G     1%    /data
/dev/sd0g     15.5G   14.0K   14.7G     1%    /home
/dev/sd0d      3.9G   14.0K    3.7G     1%    /tmp
/dev/sd0f     15.5G    2.0G   12.7G    14%    /usr
/dev/sd0e     15.5G   10.6M   14.7G     1%    /var

Any Comments ?

sha256: 98fa116cf8d4782253fc3da12042383893d396b1ad8d8c146a9e3dfd6c20e7d9

NextCloud - OpenBSD 7.3

NextCloud on OpenBSD 7.3

some install notes …

  • Powerup Fresh VM
  • Upgrade to 7.3 Beta (7.3 is not yet released)

pkg_info nextcloud

pkg_info -Q nextcloud -D snap

adding 25.0.4

pkg_add -D snap nextcloud 
quirks-6.121 signed on 2023-03-21T18:57:42Z
Ambiguous: choose package for nextcloud
a	0: <None>
	1: nextcloud-23.0.12p0
	2: nextcloud-24.0.10
	3: nextcloud-25.0.4
Your choice: 3


  • php-8.1
  • lot of stuff

got some readme

nextcloud-25.0.4:gd-2.3.3: ok
nextcloud-25.0.4:php-gd-8.1.16: ok
nextcloud-25.0.4:icu4c-72.1v0: ok
nextcloud-25.0.4:icu4c-wwwdata-72.1v0: ok
nextcloud-25.0.4:php-intl-8.1.16: ok
nextcloud-25.0.4:php-curl-8.1.16p0: ok
nextcloud-25.0.4:pecl81-redis-5.3.7p0: ok
nextcloud-25.0.4: ok
Running tags: ok
The following new rcscripts were installed: /etc/rc.d/php81_fpm
See rcctl(8) for details.
New and changed readme(s):

readme is for loosers, right ? so, let’s have a look …