
OpenBSD 7.1

OpenBSD 7.1 released !

… a while ago. I upgraded all my boxes since quite a while, but i didn’t write a short post about it. There is nothing really unexpected, a stable, easy, straigh-forward development of my favourite OS, except that there is a need for more than 1G Free Disk Space in /var. That was a bit a problem for smalled Boxes like the APU with 16G Disk …

OpenBSD 7.x Diskusage


It seems as OpenBSD (and the installed Software) is useing more and more Space in the /usr Partition. For Upgrading to 7.1, at least 1.1 GB Free Space is needed. So, i’m gooing to update my Default Partitioning Proposal like this:

Example with 25 GB

root@puffy# df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0a      3.9G    766M    2.9G    20%    /
/dev/sd0d      1.9G   20.0K    1.8G     0%    /tmp
/dev/sd0e      5.8G   36.1M    7.3G     0%    /var
/dev/sd0f      7.8G    3.6G    3.8G    49%    /usr
/dev/sd0g      2.xG    150M    7.2G     2%    /home

which results in this:

a 4G  /
a 2G  swap
a 2G  /tmp
a 6G  /var
a 8G  /usr
a *   /home

Example with 32 GB

root@puffy# df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0a      3.9G    766M    2.9G    20%    /
/dev/sd0d      1.9G   20.0K    1.8G     0%    /tmp
/dev/sd0e      7.8G   36.1M    7.3G     0%    /var
/dev/sd0f      7.8G    3.6G    3.8G    49%    /usr
/dev/sd0g      7.7G    150M    7.2G     2%    /home

which results in this:

a 4G  /
a 2G  swap
a 2G  /tmp
a 8G  /var
a 8G  /usr
a *   /home

Any Comments ?

sha256: 2f78497b58d2704bc07a1d2404cefe74432d634a4d816bb58f11b5c0a359627f