
Python - Redirector

Redirector App

wrote a little redirector app and tought i will explain and share it here. it’s a bit like a url shortener, but you can define the “shortcut” of the URL.

how does it work

it basically consists of a Text File wir Redirection URL’s.



Call it

so, when you open a Browser and Request the URL: https://your.domain.de/blog, you get redirected to https://blog.stoege.net


from flask import Flask, redirect, request
import datetime
import os
import random

# Vars

app = Flask(__name__)

# Load redirection data from a text file
def get_redirections():
    redirections = {}
    with open(redirect_file,"r") as file:
        for line in file:
            path, url = line.strip().split(',')
            redirections[path] = url
    return redirections

# Main
def index():
    return 'Hello, World!'

# Redirect to Random URL
def random_path():
    redirections = get_redirections()

    # Get Random Path
    random_url = random.choice(list(redirections.values()))
    return redirect(random_url)

# Redirect
def redirect_path(path):

    # File Changed ?
    redirections = get_redirections()

    # Check if the path exists in the redirections dictionary
    if path in redirections:

        url = redirections[path]
        return redirect(url)

    # If the path does not exist, return a 404 Not Found error
    return 'Not Found', 404

if __name__ == '__main__':

get it running

you need the ususal Stuff

Flask JWT - Sample

Flask & JWT

getting your hands dirty with Flask and JWT


with some modifications by myself …


Test under macOS & OpenBSD, Poetry installed and working


build virtual env

export app="app100"
export FLASK_APP="${app}/app"
poetry new ${app}
cd ${app}

set python 3.10

poetry env use $(which python3.10)
gsed -i "s/python = \"^3.*$/python = \"^3.10\"/" pyproject.toml
poetry lock

add packages

wget -4 -O requirements.txt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GrahamMorbyDev/jwt-flask/master/requirements.txt
echo "marshmallow-sqlalchemy" >> requirements.txt
poetry add $(awk -F '==' '!/sha256/{print $1}' requirements.txt |tr '\n' ' ')
wget -4 -O ${app}/app.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GrahamMorbyDev/jwt-flask/master/app.py
poetry shell

create db