Nginx - IP

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sometimes, you wanna restrict access to a webserver based on ip addresses. here a little howto.

Update nginx Config for your vhost

and forward temporary/permanent to a sorry host.

--->8- snip -8<---

    location / {
      allow 2001:db8::/32;
      deny all;
      error_page 403 =301 https://sorry.your.domain;

or move the ip’s to a dedicated file and include it here …

--->8- snip -8<---

    location / {
      include incl/admin_ip.txt;
      deny all;
      error_page 403 =301 https://sorry.your.domain;

Admin IP’s

cat ../incl/admin_ip.txt

allow 2001:db8::/32;

don’t forget to check your config and restart the webserver

nginx -t && rcctl restart nginx

Any Comments ?

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